Ihr Warenkorb


[OZ-21 post conference days]
HFI | Taizhou University
Wednesday/Thursday March 03/04


Dear Delegates at OZ-21

There will be a registration & info desk open at the conference hotel on Sunday, February 28 from 14:15-16:00 pm and from 14:15-18:30 pm in the exhibition area at the conference site where at 18:30 pm the welcoming reception starts. During the breakfast on Monday and Tuesday a registration & info desk will be open right in the breakfast area. All pre-registered delegates may pick up their badge, ticket and conference-guide right there.

Please expect a very casual and insofar very cool welcome reception right in the exhibition area on Sunday evening. That may give exhibitors the chance to finish the last details of their set-up under zero stress already on Sunday.


Dear Speakers at OZ-21

Oral presentations are scheduled for 20 min plus 5 min discussion. All presentations shall be given in power point and you are requested to give your presentation on a USB-memory or CD identified by your name and presentation number (Vxx) to the OZ organizers as early as possible and in the latest by 09:45 am on the day of your presentation.

We do have the computer, the beamer, the pointer and the cordless PP-control available for you.

As for the proceedings, if you have not submitted a full manuscript before OZ-21, please give us a written confirmation, that we can include your presentation in the OZ-21 proceedings and that we are allowed to publish a summary in a corresponding journal.


Dear Exhibitors at OZ-21

Since the exhibition area is right in front of the conference auditorium, please help us to arrange a good meeting on time by strictly obeying the published exhibition set-up and turn-down times. On site you will always find helping hands and in case you need us to supply a table and one or two chairs, please just let us know at OZ-organization. All these services are free of charge of course.

We will work out a floor plan which might come up only one or two days prior OZ-21 starts. For now, please notice that space is limited per exhibitor to 5 square meters at a height of 3 meters. Exceptions are possible upon inquiry at OZ-organization

We will have electricity available for simple illumination. In case you want to operate some equipment, please contact us at OZ-organization.

Power supply then might not be free of charge. If possible, please bring your own extension cords for about 20 meters in case you want to use some illumination at your booth.


Dear Attendees of the OZ-21 technical excursions

The technical excursion on Monday will start from and end at the OZ-21 venue after the technical session 05 and right before the meet`n`greet party. Please watch out for transportation info on site if needed.



Wenden townhouse (OZ-venue) with permanent charging station from the Zoz-ZEV-fleet, Hauptstrasse 75, D-57482 Wenden



Zoz Technology Center (ZTC), Raiffeisenstrasse 17, D-57462 Olpe


ZCS: heritage I and II, here also starts the Siegen E-Mobility Mile